The Machine page allows you to set options for each machine in the cluster. IMPORTANT: SnapStream Media strongly recommends that you DO NOT adjust any settings on this page unless you have a specific reason for doing so. Please contact SnapStream support if you have questions about the function of the settings on this page. Machine: Selects a cluster member.
Machine ID: This is a unique number that is used by SnapStream software to identify this machine. Machine Name: Specifies the name or address that will be used to route playback to clients from this machine. Note: This field must contain a valid IP address or a name resolvable through DNS for client PCs. Backend Machine Name: Specifies the name or address used for this machine in internal communication between SnapStream nodes. Note: This field must contain a valid IP address or name resolvable through DNS for other members of your SnapStream cluster. Allow Processor Intensive Tasks: Allows this machine to perform tasks, such as ShowSqueeze and SmartSkip, that use a significant portion of the system's processing power. If disabled, this system will still perform non-processor-intensive operations, such as clipping, file moves, and file tagging. Remember to Save any changes before navigating away from this page.