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This page lists all active recordings on any member of the SnapStream cluster. 



Stop any number of in-progress recording jobs by selecting the checkboxes and clicking Stop. To Select All of the recording jobs, use the checkbox at the top of the page. Click on the arrow next to the Select All box to see options for a Filtered Selection:


For each recording, the following information items are available:

Start and End Time
Title, including series and episode title, where applicable
Time Remaining
Description, where available. To expand a description, click clip0308

The following options are available for each recording:

Extend: Click this option to extend the end of the recording past its scheduled time. This can be useful for live events that run over their scheduled time limit, such as sporting events.


To use this option, select the number of extra minutes and click Extend.

Guide: Displays this episode's entry in the Program Guide.

Media Info: Displays the Details page for the recording.

To see more information about in-progress recordings, click Display Recording Diagnostic Information,


The following information will be displayed:

The tuner node on which the recording is being captured
The tuner on that node which is being used
The destination node to which the recording is being saved
The location of the recording file on disk


See also