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Tweeting Clips

[REARCH-11158] - Option to save clip when posting video or GIF to Twitter or Facebook

Click the Tweet (clip0435) button in the Web Player or the Tweet link for a clip in the Library to see options for posting to Twitter.



The following options are available:


If multiple Accounts are enabled, you can select which one will be used to post the tweet. See the Twitter settings page for more information. 

reply to a Tweet, enter the Tweet ID or URL. The Tweet ID can be found at the end of the Tweet's URL.

Enter the text of your Tweet in the text box. The number of remaining characters will be displayed next to the Tweet button below.

Click the Keep Clip checkbox if you would like to retain the segment as a clip in the SnapStream Library. Otherwise, no clip will be saved locally after the Tweet is posted.

Four types of Tweets are available:

  • Text only. 
  • ImageTweet a snapshot of the image currently displayed in the web player. (Note: this option is only available while playing back a video, not when Tweeting from the Library.)
  • GIF: Tweet an animated GIF of the segment that you have selected. (This option will be available if you have set clip endpoints.)
  • Video: Tweet a video (140 seconds max.) of the segment that you have selected.

After you click the Tweet button, the image, gif, or video file will be uploaded to Twitter. This should only take a few minutes.

You can track the progress of the task on the Tasks page.

You can also click Queue to put the Tweet into the Tweet Queue to be posted later. See Social for more information.


See also