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Home > Using SnapStream: the Web Interface > Guide


SnapStream's TV Guide works and looks like the guide you might view through your cable provider. 


The SnapStream TV Guide has the following controls:

Scroll the guide using the mouse wheel or the keyboard's arrow keys.
Use the '<' and '>' keys to jump left and right in time
Use the Page Up and Page Down keys to jump up and down in the channel list.

Hovering the mouse over a show displays details and recording options.


Hovering the mouse over a channel displays the lineups on which it is available:


Clicking on a program brings up the following options:


Record this episode: Schedule only this episode for recording
Record all episodes: Schedules all episodes for recording
Record all new episodes: Schedules recordings of only episodes marked as new in the Program Guide
Record all episodes at this time: Schedules daily recordings only at the time selected.
 Watch Live TV: Starts a Live TV session on this channel
Record everything on this channel: Records all scheduled shows on this channel. Note: Scheduled recordings on this channel will pre-empt "Record everything jobs."
Get Show Permalink: A shortcut to the currently selected show. Right-click and select Copy Shortcut to get a direct link. This link can then be pasted into the address bar of a web browser to access this entry in the program guide directly.


You can also see these options by right-clicking on a program selection:


Additional options are available by right-clicking the channel in the left-hand column:


Additional options here include:

For channels with no program guide data, such as channels that are generated internally by your organization, the options are as follows:


Watch Live TV: Start Live TV on this channel. 
Record Now: Start a one-time recording this channel immediately. 
Record Once/Daily/Weekly/Weekdays: Create a Manual Recording Job on this channel
Record 24x7: Create a block-based 24x7 Recording Job on this channel.

See also