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Home > Using SnapStream: the Web Interface > Schedule > Upcoming



 BTV 2006REARCH-11620
"Upcoming recordings" page says that the upcoming view will only show the next 24 hours of recordings.

Ability to print Upcoming list to text


This page lists all upcoming recordings for the next two weeks.


Entries can be sorted by scheduled time or by name. Click on a date to see only upcoming recordings for that day.


Prevent any number of upcoming recordings from happening by selecting the checkboxes and clicking Don't Record.

To print a list of upcoming recordings, click Export.

To Select All of the recording jobs, use the checkbox at the top of the page. Click on the arrow next to the Select All box to see options for a Filtered Selection: 


Click a page number to see more upcoming recordings.

Click Edit Job to go to the Edit page for this recording job.

Click Delete Job to delete the recording job for an upcoming recording. Note: This will cancel all scheduled airings of the recording job. To cancel a single airing, use the Don't Record option described above.

Click Guide to go to this episode's entry in the Program Guide.

See also