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Home > Using SnapStream: the Web Interface > Schedule


The Recording Manager section of the web interface allows you to review and edit existing recording jobs and to create new jobs.


By default, recordings are listed in order of priority. Recording jobs can also be sorted by the name of the job (A-Z or Z-A) or the channel number (ascending or descending).

Delete any number of recording jobs by selecting the checkboxes and clicking Delete.

You can also Enable or Disable selected recording jobs.

To Select All of the recording jobs, use the checkbox at the top of the page. Click on the arrow next to the Select All box to see options for a Filtered Selection: 



The following information is available on this page:

Priority: This column determines which recordings will occur if the number of scheduled shows at any time exceeds the number of available tuners. To change the priority of recordings, enter the new priority numbers and click Save Priorities. You can change the priority of as many or as few recordings as you wish.

Title: The title of the recording.

  • Series, Manual, Guide-based or Block-based 24/7 recordings - Program title will appear in the title section of each completed recording.

  • Guide-based 24/7 recordings - the title will be the channel of the recording.

Type: This column contains information about how the recording was scheduled.

  • Series - Scheduled from the program guide using Record this episodeRecord all episodesRecord new episodes, or Record all episodes at this time
  • Movie - Any movie recording scheduled from the program guide
  • Guide-based 24/7 - Scheduled from the program guide using Record Everything On This Channel
  • Manual - Scheduled using the manual recording options.
  • Block-based 24/7 - Any 24/7 recording scheduled using the Create 24/7 option
  • Time Based Guide- A recording with program guide data, scheduled by specifying a time period, using the Create Time Based Guide option.


Channel: The channel broadcasting the selected program.

Edit: Click this link to change the settings for any recording job.

Details: Click this link to view the Details page for this recording job.

The following links appear on each page in the Recording Manager section of the web interface:


See also