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Home > Using SnapStream: the Web Interface > Guide


[REARCH-11404] - Make Watch Live TV not the top menu item in the guide


SnapStream's TV Guide works and looks like the guide you might view through your cable provider. 


The SnapStream TV Guide has the following controls:

Scroll the guide using the mouse wheel or the keyboard's arrow keys.
Use the '<' and '>' keys to jump left and right in time
Use the Page Up and Page Down keys to jump up and down in the channel list.

Hovering the mouse over a show displays details and recording options.

Clicking on a program brings up the following options:


Record this episode: Schedule only this episode for recording
Record all episodes: Schedules all episodes for recording
Record all new episodes: Schedules recordings of only episodes marked as new in the Program Guide
Record all episodes at this time: Schedules daily recordings only at the time selected.
 Watch Live TV: Starts a Live TV session on this channel
Record everything on this channel: Records all scheduled shows on this channel. Note: Scheduled recordings on this channel will pre-empt "Record everything jobs."
Get Show Permalink: A shortcut to the currently selected show. Right-click and select Copy Shortcut to get a direct link. This link can then be pasted into the address bar of a web browser to access this entry in the program guide directly.


You can also see these options by right-clicking on a program selection:


Additional options are available by right-clicking:


Additional options here include:

See also