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Home > Using SnapStream: the Web Interface > Admin > Settings > Guide > SnapStream.Net Lineups

SnapStream.Net Lineups

Creating a SnapStream.Net Lineup

Create New Custom Lineup from the Program Guide settings page.

2. Enter your Country (United States or Canada) and ZIP or postal code, then select a Service Type.

The Provider drop-down box will appear.

3. Select your cable or satellite provider.

4. Select a Tier. This option determines which channels will be hidden by default. You can change channel-hiding settings after creating the lineup.

5. Click Create.

Editing a SnapStream.Net Lineup

To change channel display and security settings for a SnapStream.Net lineup, select Edit from the main Program Guide settings page.


Grant Access To: This setting allows you to limit access to this lineup. The default access setting is Everyone, meaning that anyone who logs into your SnapStream system can see the channels on this lineup. Click the text box to see a list of the groups and users that can be granted access.

Lineup Recording Folder: Use this setting to specify a default recording folder (other than the global default) for channels in this lineup. This is used if users who will be accessing this lineup do not have access to the global default recording folder. See Folders for more information.

Checked channels will appear in the Program Guide. Unchecked channels will not appear in the Program Guide.

When you are finished selecting which channels to show, remember to click Save.

See also